Blessing And Chanting by the Sangha members from Various Countries Ceremony at Waki Relic Museum





(WAKI International Media Center 28thNov) 2022年11月23日,Waki舍利博物馆馆长Dr. Dr. Teo Choo Guan在各国僧众祈福加持法会上的致辞。


一个人对着麦克风说话 自动生成的描述具有中等可信度


尊敬的Chao Khun Laow法师,来自英国、挪威、美国、新加坡、瑞典、荷兰、泰国、马来西亚、斯里兰卡和俄罗斯的所有尊敬的僧团成员,正法兄弟姐妹,亲戚朋友和所有Waki家庭成员,早上好. 今天是一个吉祥的日子,我们有幸出席瓦基舍利塔法会供奉佛陀及其弟子舍利,并接受各国僧众的加持和诵经。



两千五百年间,缅甸已建起十万多座佛塔,供信众供奉三宝,供奉佛陀及其弟子的舍利。由于年代久远,许多宝塔和佛塔被地震、飓风等自然灾害摧毁,维护不善。为弘扬佛法,世代供奉佛陀及弟子的舍利,吉提瓦拉尊者追随其两位上师索里亚尊者和贡达尊者的足迹,收集和保存佛陀的舍利,他的弟子一百多年。我衷心感谢我们遇到了已故的 U Kittivara 尊者,他在生前非常信任和支持我们。所以,我们将继续开展舍利传教工作,实现已故西亚多遗愿,保藏供奉佛陀及其弟子的舍利,使佛教再续2500年。今天,来自不同国家的代表齐聚于此,建造并接收佛陀及其弟子的舍利子,供奉在世界各地,如同一道光芒,照亮了整个世界,连接了全球佛教徒在这个新的时代。礼敬念诵佛陀的大德。

图片包含 不同的, 一堆的, 各种各样的, 几个 描述已自动生成


In order to support and propagate the Buddha sasana, the King Ashoka had built 84,000 stupas and enshrined relics of the noble ones to distribute to all over Asia countries, and thus many people began to have faith in Buddhism and be able to follow the path of the Buddha until today. In this globalization era, 84000 types of Buddhist propagation can spread more rapidly all over the world than before for the benefit of all sentient beings. In this globalization era, 84000 types of Buddhist propagation can spread more rapidly all over the world than before for the benefit of all sentient beings. Therefore, I strongly believe the thought of the late Sayadaw U Kittivara that when we have completed the enshrinement of 84,000 waki relics pagodas all around the world, it represents the ray of light that lights up the whole world and the teachings of Buddhism will flourish to another 2,500 years. Therefore, I hope we will continue this missionary effort together to flourish and propagate the Buddha sasana to another 2500 years.



最后,我要感谢尊者Chao Khun Laow和所有受人尊敬的僧团成员参观Waki Relic Museum并加持我们。此外,感谢各位来宾百忙之中的参与和见证。祝大家身体健康,智慧,生意兴隆,心想事成,远离灾难。Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu。



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